Microsoft released a preview version of the new sudo command in Windows Insider Preview
Welcome to codingfreaks!
This page is all about development in the ever growing eco-system of Microsoft. We'll cover a lot of stuff from Azure, .NET (Core), C# and many more.
nslookup buggy in Windows 11
November 01, 2023 | EnglishTrying out Azure P2S VPN I recently stumbled upon a problem. Looking up hostnames with nslookup failed with Windows but worked on Linux, MacOS and even WSL2. Read this to understand what happened, if you like to see the setup of P2S VPN and if you are interested in the fix.
Professional Console Apps done right
March 19, 2023 | EnglishConsole Apps are considered unimportant nowadays. I want to show why they are not IMHO and how to approach them after the latest C# updates.
Script to remove stale role assignments in Azure AD
April 18, 2022 | EnglishIf you remove an identity from Azure AD which had a role assignment to one of your resources the assignment will stay on the resource in a stale state. In this article I'll show how to remove those entries using PowerShell.
Github Actions and Azure App Service Deployments
April 17, 2022 | EnglishIt's easy to create a Github action to enable CI/CD for projects hosted on Github. The problem is that the documentation leads into a bad direction for doing it. This post explains why and how to do it right.
Connect to Azure AD B2C tenant using AzPowershell and az
March 06, 2022 | EnglishWhen you try to manage your AAD B2C tenant from the console you face the problem that you cannot set a subscription context. In this post I show how you still can connect and what commands might be useful.
Better advanced file security on Windows using PowerShell
January 05, 2022 | EnglishHow to use a simple PowerShell script to set the advanced security privileges of a file conveniently.
codingfreaks switched to Github Actions
December 12, 2021 | EnglishToday I switched the complete CI/CD from Azure DevOps to Github Actions. Let by explain why and how I did it.
What I currently think about Microsoft
November 02, 2021 | EnglishDisclaimer #OPINIATED #ANGRY-MOOD #DIDNT-THOUGHT-MUCH-ABOUT-IT I know that it is always pretty lame to lament about the work of other people…
Azure DevOps Build Agent Windows SDK versions
September 08, 2021 | EnglishToday I had the problem that my UWP application would not build on an Azure DevOps hosted pipeline. This article shows how I fixed the problem and what I learned.
Playing around with Azure Storage Blob Index Preview
June 19, 2020 | EnglishLastly I stumpled over an announcement on an upcoming feature of Azure Storeage called 'Blob Index'. After some curious experiments I want to share my first experiences with you.
Generating PDF with .NET Core using IronPdf
June 11, 2020 | EnglishGenerating PDFs is a common task in many solutions. Nethertheless it's the one task which is not easilly accompished in all environments. I'll show how to perform common tasks in .NET Core using IronPdf. I also will point out some limitations. Additionally I'll show some more advanced techniques like Handlebars.NET.
API versioning with ASP.NET Core and Swashbuckle
March 31, 2020 | EnglishI always was interested how to version a REST API correctly in ASP.NET Core. In this article I'll show how I realized it including Swagger.
codingfreaks 2.0
March 01, 2020 | EnglishI finally decided to do things differently. Let me explain what has changed, where you can find the old stuff and why this is in English now.