codingfreaks started with the idea to provide a resource for programming and technology around the Microsoft universe written in German. To keep it short: I’m not reaching enough people and I get responses from English-speaking folks mostly. This is why I decided to switch to English now. I’m not natural in English so I gues sometimes I’ll get it wrong but let’s see.
The second new thing is about the design. The main reason for this is that I left WordPress for several reasons. Mainly it just was a pain to write a simple article including images and source code. I struggled so much that I finally had to search for alternatives. Then, maybe 3 weeks ago, a coworker of mine showed Gatsby to me. This was exactly what I was searching for. Writing my blog posts in pure Markdown and then having static files served quickly not only is fun for me but also improves my site performance.
I’m aware that at the time I write this there is no social integration or comment functionallity. This is on purpose because I want to start as bare as possible. I will add those functionallities later.
The source code for this complete blog is available at GitHub.
I will try to add old articles into the new blog-format. As long as I’m not finished with this I’ll continue hosting the WordPress version under this URL.